
巴西初创线上加速营 Brazil Online Acceleration Camp

XNode 创业加速 XNode创极无限 2023-02-24

# XNode 创业加速 #



2021 Brazil Online Acceleration Camp


XNode has powered the Brazil Online Acceleration Camp with supports from Consulate General of Brazil Shanghai and Shanghai Technology Innovation Center (STIC). We've provided acceleration services to three Brazilian startups for their internationalisation. This camp serves as the beginning for these startups to set up their China strategy and validate market hypothesis. In the future, we will continue to support Brazilian tech startups to unleash full innovation potentials in China.


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Startup Journey


The startup founders and teams have leveraged the 1-month camp discussing with their mentors and meeting specific Chinese business partners, to further understand the Chinese market and fasten their penetration to China.

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Guilhermo Queiroz

Founder and CEO of Biosolvit

这个项目对我们来说是很重要的一步。通过项目,我们更好地了解了中国市场,从导师那里获得了深刻洞察,还与优秀的中国公司建立起联系。非常感谢 XNode和这个加速营项目,相信很快我们就会有不得不来中国的一千个理由。

This program was an important step for us. We could better understand the Chinese Market. We had important insights from the mentors and we have connected to amazing companies. Thank you so much XNode! Amazing program. I hope to have a thousand reasons to be in China pretty soon.


Eric Chan, Biosolvit Mentor

Partner of VooX.io

很高兴成为Biosolvit 的导师,看到来自不同国家的公司能一起合作。巴西人一向以热情、乐观和脚踏实地而闻名,我在与 Guilhermo 的交流中深刻感受到了这些特质,合作的过程非常愉快。我希望可以进一步帮助Biosolvit在中国的石油及燃气、飞机维修保养、化工企业等领域进行一些项目落地测试。

Great to see companies from different countries are collaborating together and it's really fun to work with the Brazilians. You guys are famous for being cheerful, happy and down to earth, which came across through my interaction with Guilhermo. Hopefully we can land some test trials in China with various industries e.g. oil & gas, aircraft maintenance and refurbishment, as well as chemicals plants.




Carolina Coutinho

COO of Ecotrace


It's very good for us to have a vision from inside the Chinese market. Our biggest client in Brazil exports a considerable percentage of their production to China, so we could have many sides about our product development. Thanks to Thomas’ advice, our next plan is to reach out to our own clients who have a business in China, so that they can help us with possible future relationship with Chinese companies.


Thomas van Schijndel

Ecotrace Mentor

Managing Director of Sioux Technologies Asia

Ecotrace 的产品非常棒,从屠宰场切入,用其独特的人工智能算法赋能屠宰场,通过数据追踪满足消费者对食物溯源的要求。这是一个非常敬业而优秀的团队,我很高兴能与他们一起工作,了解他们的产品,并帮助他们探索进入中国的市场战略。

Ecotrace has a strong product proposition, starting with unique artificial intelligence for slaughter houses, where they later use this data to satisfy the needs of consumers to have transparent data about the origin of food. I really enjoy working with such a dedicated team, to learn about their product and help them with their China go-to-market strategy.




Pedro Neto

CEO and Founder of Imersa


Through the conversations I was very open to learn. In the end of the program, we had a five-step plan to go to China with lots of complexity along the way. The idea was to classify ourselves as a climate education and carbon capture company. I finish the program with a much better feeling of how we can get there and who we need to talk to with now a relationship network.


Lei Niu, Imersa Mentor

Vice President of XNode


Through the program we established a strong bonding due to my personal background in education and social innovation. Working with Pedro really made me believe that despite that we have a lot of chaotic situations, with people like Pedro and company like Imersa, by the end the world is going to be a better place.




Brazil Online Acceleration Camp

巴西初创线上加速营是“巴西外交创新计划”的一部分,旨在帮助巴西创新走出国门,进行国际化探索。该项目获得了巴西驻上海总领事馆和上海市科技创业中心(STIC)的大力支持,由XNode 服务并加速巴西创新项目到中国的市场拓展。 

The Brazil Online Acceleration Camp is part of the Innovation Diplomacy Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, with the aim to help innovation sectors in Brazil to go abroad and internationalize. With full supports from Consulate General of Brazil Shanghai and Shanghai Technology Innovation Center (STIC), the program has been powered by XNode to accelerate the Brazilian startups' market entry to China.


本次加速营的负责人吴婧雯是XNode的创始成员兼高级加速经理,她帮助巴西初创企业梳理其中国战略,加速他们的业务发展,并充分释放创新潜力。如果你有兴趣与这些发展迅速的初创公司建立联系,欢迎联系 jingwen.wu@thexnode.com。 

Ms. Jingwen Wu, Founding Member and Senior Acceleration Manager at XNode is overseeing the program and has accelerated the Brazilian startups with their China strategy and unleash full innovation potentials. If you are interested to get connected with any of these promising startups, feel free to contact jingwen.wu@thexnode.com.  


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XNode | Startup & Corporate Accelerator

XNode 创业加速


XNode 创业加速已经覆盖新加坡、澳大利亚、韩国、日本、美国及欧洲各国,初创企业可以选择适合的目标开展加速计划。XNode将为初创企业提供三个阶段的加速项目













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XNode | Startup & Corporate Accelerator

XNode Scaleup Program


XNode Startup Program is a cross-border startup acceleration service with an emphasis on providing holistic, instructive, and practical content. The program covers three key phases: cross-border mentoring, access to industry decision makers, and partner building. Currently, XNode has partnered with innovation agencies in five countries - Australia, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Italy - establishing bilateral cross-border channels to accelerate startups’ entry into new markets.

How do we help?


Working Space

You will get working space in the center of Shanghai as well as the dedicated help of an amazing acceleration team


Knowledge & Networking

You will participate in workshops, meetings and activities that will help you grow and better understand China


Demoday & Graduation

You will get to present yourself and your progress during our demo day as well as join our growing community

